M.Sc. Joël Köhler

Ph.D. Student


Email: koehler@geod.uni-bonn.de

Tel: +49 – 228 – 73 – 3578

Fax: +49 – 228 – 73 – 6486

Office: Nussallee 17, 2. OG, room 2.009


University of Bonn

Theoretical Geodesy, IGG

Nussallee 17

53115 Bonn


  • Current teaching (Basis)
  • Download CV

Research interests

  • Geostatistics and stochastic processes
  • Differential radar interferometry (DInSAR)
  • Computational geodesy

Short CV

Joël Köhler trained as a surveyor before taking up his studies in “Geodäsie und Geoinformation” at the University of Bonn in 2010. He started to work in the Theoretical Geodesy group as a student assistant in 2012. After the finalization of the bachelor degree and the master degree course he received the degree B.Sc. in 2013 and the degree M.Sc in 2015, respectively. He wrote both his bachelor and his master thesis in the Theoretical Geodesy group.
Following this, he started as a PhD student in the same group. Currently he is working on methods for spatio-temporal signal separation using techniques from the field of geostatistics and stochastic processes.
One possible application for such methods is the differential radar interferometry in order to extract continuous deformation time series while separating e.g. atmospheric deviation from the observation.


Teaching activities

  • Practicals “Geostatistik”, since WS2015/2016
  • Practicals “Parameterschätzung und Hypothesentests”, since SS2016
  • Lecture and Practicals “Advanced Data Analysis”, since SS2018
  • Supervision of different B.Sc, theses, since 2016
    • Backs, K. L. “Raum-zeitliche Signaltrennung in einem Bildstapel”. B.Sc. Thesis, University of Bonn, 2016


  • 2016: Second winner of the “VDI-Förderpreis” of the “VDI – Bezirksverein Köln e.V.” for his master thesis
  • 2013-2015: Holder of a “Deutschlandstipendium” during his master degree course
  • 2013: Winner of the “DVW-Turbo Preis” for fast an good studies

Paper and Presentations

List of Publications


  • C. Esch, J. Köhler, K. Gutjahr, and W. Schuh, “One-Step Three-Dimensional Phase Unwrapping Approach Based on Small Baseline Subset Interferograms,” Remote Sensing, vol. 12, iss. 9, p. 1473, 2020. doi:10.3390/rs12091473
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    title = {One-{{Step Three-Dimensional Phase Unwrapping Approach Based}} on {{Small Baseline Subset Interferograms}}},
    author = {Esch, Christina and K{\"o}hler, Jo{\"e}l and Gutjahr, Karlheinz and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter},
    year = {2020},
    month = jan,
    journal = {Remote Sensing},
    volume = {12},
    number = {9},
    pages = {1473},
    publisher = {{Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute}},
    doi = {10.3390/rs12091473},
    url = {https://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/12/9/1473},
    urldate = {2020-05-08},
    copyright = {http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/},
    langid = {english},
    keywords = {D-InSAR,multitemporal phase unwrapping,SBAS,temporal inconsistency},
    file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/KDDV4NYS/Esch et al. - 2020 - One-Step Three-Dimensional Phase Unwrapping Approa.pdf}


  • C. Esch, J. Köhler, K. Gutjahr, and W. Schuh, “25 Jahre Bodenbewegungen in Der Niederrheinischen Bucht – Ein Kombinierter Ansatz Aus D-InSAR Und Amtlichen Leitnivellements,” zfv – Zeitschrift für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement, iss. 3/2019, p. 173–186, 2019. doi:10.12902/zfv-0257-2019
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    title = {25 {{Jahre Bodenbewegungen}} in Der {{Niederrheinischen Bucht}} {\textendash} {{Ein}} Kombinierter {{Ansatz}} Aus {{D-InSAR}} Und Amtlichen {{Leitnivellements}}},
    author = {Esch, Christina and K{\"o}hler, Jo{\"e}l and Gutjahr, Karlheinz and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter},
    year = {2019},
    journal = {zfv {\textendash} Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Geod{\"a}sie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement},
    number = {3/2019},
    pages = {173--186},
    issn = {1618-8950},
    doi = {10.12902/zfv-0257-2019},
    url = {http://doi.org/10.12902/zfv-0257-2019},
    urldate = {2019-06-11}

  • C. Esch, J. Köhler, K. Gutjahr, and W. Schuh, “On the Analysis of the Phase Unwrapping Process in a D-InSAR Stack with Special Focus on the Estimation of a Motion Model,” Remote Sensing, vol. 11, iss. 19, p. 2295, 2019. doi:10.3390/rs11192295
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    title = {On the {{Analysis}} of the {{Phase Unwrapping Process}} in a {{D-InSAR Stack}} with {{Special Focus}} on the {{Estimation}} of a {{Motion Model}}},
    author = {Esch, Christina and K{\"o}hler, Jo{\"e}l and Gutjahr, Karlheinz and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter},
    year = {2019},
    month = jan,
    journal = {Remote Sensing},
    volume = {11},
    number = {19},
    pages = {2295},
    doi = {10.3390/rs11192295},
    url = {https://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/11/19/2295},
    urldate = {2019-10-08},
    copyright = {http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/},
    langid = {english},
    keywords = {D-InSAR,extended minimum cost flow,minimum cost flow,phase unwrapping,SBAS,simulated annealing},
    file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/JDB3HZ73/Esch et al. - 2019 - On the Analysis of the Phase Unwrapping Process in.pdf;/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/R2M5W4D6/2295.html}

  • J. Köhler, C. Esch, K. Gutjahr, and W. Schuh, “Eine Nivellement gestützte Methode zur Erzeugung langer DInSAR Zeitreihen mittels B-Splines,” in Tagungsband GeoMonitoring 2019, {Hannover}, 2019. doi:10.15488/4518
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    title = {{Eine Nivellement gest{\"u}tzte Methode zur Erzeugung langer DInSAR Zeitreihen mittels B-Splines}},
    booktitle = {{Tagungsband GeoMonitoring 2019}},
    author = {K{\"o}hler, Joel and Esch, Christina and Gutjahr, Karlheinz and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter},
    year = {2019},
    address = {{Hannover}},
    doi = {10.15488/4518},
    url = {https://www.repo.uni-hannover.de/handle/123456789/4560},
    urldate = {2019-03-21},
    copyright = {CC BY 3.0 DE},
    langid = {german},
    file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/YV43ZIK9/Köhler et al. - 2019 - Eine Nivellement gestützte Methode zur Erzeugung l.pdf;/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/9EJIKIQC/4560.html}


  • J. Köhler, “Entwicklung von Datenstrukturen Zur Darstellung Der Raum/Zeitlichen Zusammenhänge Zwischen Kohärenten Pixeln in D-InSAR-Bildstapeln,” Master Thesis, {Bonn, Germany}, 2015.
    title = {Entwicklung von {{Datenstrukturen}} Zur {{Darstellung}} Der Raum/Zeitlichen {{Zusammenh{\"a}nge}} Zwischen Koh{\"a}renten {{Pixeln}} in {{D-InSAR-Bildstapeln}}},
    author = {K{\"o}hler, Jo{\"e}l},
    year = {2015},
    address = {{Bonn, Germany}},
    school = {Universit{\"a}t Bonn, Institut f{\"u}r Geod{\"a}sie und Geoinformation},
    file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/62I9C5SZ/Masterarbeit_J_Koehler.pdf}


  • J. Köhler, “Ermittlung Des Atmosphärischen Phasenanteils in Interferometrischen SAR-Daten Und Vergleich Mit in Situ Wetterdaten,” Bachelorsthesis PhD Thesis, {Bonn, Germany}, 2013.
    type = {Bachelorsthesis},
    title = {Ermittlung Des Atmosph{\"a}rischen {{Phasenanteils}} in Interferometrischen {{SAR-Daten}} Und {{Vergleich}} Mit in Situ {{Wetterdaten}}},
    author = {K{\"o}hler, Jo{\"e}l},
    year = {2013},
    address = {{Bonn, Germany}},
    school = {Universit{\"a}t Bonn, Institut f{\"u}r Geod{\"a}sie und Geoinformation},
    file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/ZLWRI92G/ba_J_Koehler.pdf}

List of Presentations


  • J. Köhler, C. Esch, K. Gutjahr, and W. Schuh, Eine Nivellement Gestützte Methode Zur Erzeugung Langer DInSAR Zeitreihen Mittels B-Splines{Hannover}: , 2019.
    type = {Talk},
    title = {Eine {{Nivellement}} Gest{\"u}tzte {{Methode}} Zur {{Erzeugung}} Langer {{DInSAR Zeitreihen}} Mittels {{B-Splines}}},
    author = {K{\"o}hler, Jo{\"e}l and Esch, Christina and Gutjahr, Karlheinz and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter},
    year = {2019},
    month = mar,
    address = {{Hannover}},
    file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/6XJMVCTZ/Köhler - 2019 - Eine Nivellement gestützte Methode zur Erzeugung l.pdf}


  • W. -D. Schuh, J. Franken, J. M. Brockmann, C. Esch, and J. Köhler, Design of Frequency Selective Filters for Non-Equispaced Data{Rome, Italy}: , 2018.
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    type = {Talk},
    title = {Design of Frequency Selective Filters for Non-Equispaced Data},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Franken, J. and Brockmann, J.M. and Esch, C. and K{\"o}hler, J.},
    year = {2018},
    address = {{Rome, Italy}},
    url = {https://doi.org/10.48565/bonndoc-43},
    file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/5F9KSU4T/Schuh et al. - 2018 - Design of frequency selective filters for non-equi.pdf}


  • J. Köhler, C. Esch, K. Gutjahr, and W. -D. Schuh, “Integrated Spatio-temporal Estimation of a Deformation Time-series from a Stack of Unwrapped Differential Interferograms,” in FRINGE 2017, {Helsinki}, 2017.
    title = {Integrated {{Spatio-temporal Estimation}} of a {{Deformation Time-series}} from a {{Stack}} of {{Unwrapped Differential Interferograms}}},
    booktitle = {{{FRINGE}} 2017},
    author = {K{\"o}hler, Jo{\"e}l and Esch, Christina and Gutjahr, Karlheinz and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2017},
    address = {{Helsinki}},
    annotation = {Vortrag, 07.07.2017}

  • J. Köhler, C. Esch, K. Gutjahr, and W. -D. Schuh, “Raum-Zeitliche Signaltrennung in Einem Stapel von Differntiellen SAR-Interferogrammen,” in Geodätische Woche 2017, {Berlin}, 2017.
    title = {Raum-Zeitliche {{Signaltrennung}} in Einem {{Stapel}} von Differntiellen {{SAR-Interferogrammen}}},
    booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tische {{Woche}} 2017},
    author = {K{\"o}hler, Jo{\"e}l and Esch, Christina and Gutjahr, Karlheinz and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2017},
    address = {{Berlin}},
    annotation = {Vortrag, 26.09.2017}


  • J. Köhler, “Entwicklung von Datenstrukturen Zur Darstellung Der Raum-Zeitlichen Zusammenhänge Zwischen Kohärenten Pixeln in D-InSAR-Bildstapeln,” in Kölner VDI-Förderpreis 2016, {Köln}, 2016.
    title = {Entwicklung von {{Datenstrukturen}} Zur {{Darstellung}} Der Raum-Zeitlichen {{Zusammenh{\"a}nge}} Zwischen Koh{\"a}renten {{Pixeln}} in {{D-InSAR-Bildstapeln}}},
    booktitle = {K{\"o}lner {{VDI-F{\"o}rderpreis}} 2016},
    author = {K{\"o}hler, Jo{\"e}l},
    year = {2016},
    address = {{K{\"o}ln}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {Vortrag, 13.10.2016}

List of Posters


  • C. Esch, J. Köhler, K. Gutjahr, and W. -D. Schuh, “Global Approach to Solve the L1-Norm Phase Unwrapping Problem in Differential Radar Interferometry (D-InSAR) Analysis,” in FRINGE, {Helsinki}, 2017.
    title = {Global {{Approach}} to {{Solve}} the {{L1-Norm Phase Unwrapping Problem}} in {{Differential Radar Interferometry}} ({{D-InSAR}}) {{Analysis}}},
    booktitle = {{{FRINGE}}},
    author = {Esch, Christina and K{\"o}hler, Jo{\"e}l and Gutjahr, Karlheinz and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2017},
    address = {{Helsinki}},
    annotation = {Poster, 08.06.2017}